Fireman ~ Spiderman ~ Kitty Kitty
The boys could not count down the hours fast enough for us to go trick or treating. They scarfed down dinner, we put on costumes, and Kevin painted faces. We were ready to go. Our friends Jason and Hallie live in a safe, family friendly neighborhood. It is the perfect place to tromp up and down streets trick or treating. We went with our good friends the Jenz family. We all loved seeing there excitement running door to door.
...and they're off!
So a little side note... the paint on the kids face was supposed to be for the face and come off easily, but for some reason Maddry and Walker's did not come completely clean.We went to church the next morning and Walker seemed to have a "five-a-clock shadow" and Mads nose was smudge gray even after using soap and fingernail polish remover.
I love this picture of Miller, he was so surprised by how much candy he got.