Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Autmum is on it's way out

Fall is my favorite time of the year.

We watched a Max and Ruby show where they were raking leaves... so the boys wanted to rake their own leaf pile. Our pile was rather small because we have water oaks in our yard and the leaves are so so small on this type of oak, but that did not deter them from raking, jumping in the pile, hiding things in the leaves, or just throwing them.

Of course Maddry is in the stage where she loves to put anything and everything in her mouth. Mmmm Yummy leaves.

Daddy got home in time to do a little leaf throwing himself.

This was another fun fall memory. Kevin pitched the tent in our backyard and built a fire in the backyard. They were such great helper's. The boys assured us that if they got fire on them, they knew they should... stop, drop, and roll.