Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rub a dub dub three kids in a tub

Kevin was going to be home later than normal, and since late afternoon, dinner, and right before bedtime seem to linger on and on, Kevin said he would bring dinner home. (What a treat) The boys are always chomping at the bit waiting for daddy to come home, and well, I would say I feel the same way. We had colored, played blocks, road bikes, fed the kids dinner, rocked in the rocking chair and still no daddy. What do you do to pass the time...

I had not tried all three kids at once. I wasn't sure how it would work. The boys new that they could not get too wild with Maddry in the water with them. They did very well. It passed the time, they got clean, had fun, and then daddy came home to help dry off and get ready for bed.

Assume the Position

Those three words have helped tremendously in drying off our kids after shower or bath time. You know how goofy kids get after bath time and well by that point I'm usually tired and ready to do jammies and bedtime and all they want to do is "the naked, crazy dance"... anyways Kevin is usually the one to shower with the boys, which is a huge blessing to me. He started the phrase assume the position and taught them what the stance looked like, and drying off has become speedy and more enjoyable, with a few tickles thrown in for fun.

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